Thursday, June 19, 2008

Mood Swing

Mood swing happens to me almost every alternate day !
I feel the normal me is the silent one.
I feel bad to disregard my friends but please understand...its not the actual me ;
Though transient I fear this disorder would engulf me soon !
And am sure gonna run down....wanna break free before it happens !

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

caught in a whirlwind...

Sweet and some sour ;) memories of 'gardens' would linger
as fresh as one would feel after a cup of tea with Ginger !
As the rumour about a shift to Ajman is lurking
I walk around captivated by the relentless feeling !
Oh God ! I want to spend my vacation contended.
Nothing I have scribbled is pun-intended !

Monday, June 16, 2008

Personification of Optimism

As already described in my other blog, I desire to balance my inner harmony by taking cognisance of my self-worth ! In the process I contemplated buying Alan Loy Mcginnis'
''The Power of Optimism'', talks about keeping self-motivated and achieving more of what we want.
It's a good read but I realized that controlling our human qualities should be self-motivated and cannot be learnt or acquired by seeing. I felt, being optimistic about every damn thing would be a good way to start. So, I dumped the book and started to take my life over the positive side.
I involved myself in the very process and felt I was getting better day by day ! I kept cool and approached all crucial and trivial matters alike.
My conscience told me that I can achieve it !

Time flew....and what happened ? f*** ! Nothing happened ! Neither was I able to control myself nor did I achieve anything ! Never try to do such crap !

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A home away from home

I made this desert my home and gardens my dome,
Knowingly I may have to say goodbye someday.
Final moments are nearby,
And I feel not much to bid adieu as I'm moving to another desert!
Life is the same, no matter where I go in this desert game!
Don't struggle to decipher me coz' am playing the game planned by Him.
I feel unattached to some and wish it’s a good idea for them not to come.
Good Friends I made, who would liberate me from my clutches like a blade.
'Good' is belittling so I say ‘Best’!